Most annoying things people do on flights

Most annoying things people do in flights

According to few passengers, travelling in plane is the worst part of their trip. Just being 30000 feet up in air, cosily sitting on that plush seat with flight attendants at your service doesn’t makes it cool after all. We all have once or more witnessed that out bursting fellow co passenger sitting few seats away in middle of...

Money saving travel tips

Money Saving travel tips

While travel can refresh or fill you with energy, it can also empty your pockets. People save for years, to go on a trip to destination of their fantasies. Almost everybody who travels make budget estimates before leaving, unless you are a Millionaire. But down on ground it gets ugly, when your spending’s exceed the budget, and drains your...

Mobile Photography tips for Travelers

Mobile photography tips for travelers

All geared for your trip, but not sure if this will fit into your frame of memories with a camera on mobile. Trust me DSLR’s are old game, unless you are a professional, typical tourist, gadget freak. For all others, I think a mobile camera is enough for the World. Supported by reasons like, it’s not bulky and heavy...

Mistakes by First time travelers

Mistakes by first time travellers

Traveling for first time, I can both feel your nerve and sense your excitement, as you are here. Apart from your itinerary and city plans you are completely unaware of what experience you are going to have. Can’t clearly remember mine first one, was long back, but every time I set out, it gives me chill. We are all...

List of Adventure Sports you must try

List of adventure sports you must try

Increasing number of people are getting more and more interested in adventure sports. Why shouldn’t they be! Everyone likes to push the limit once in a while. While our lives are centered around finding thrill, excitement, and passion, these adventure sports gives us a break from it. Must we mention that these activities are not for faint hearted, and...

How to not get sick while traveling

How to not get sick while travelling

The last thing you would want on a trip is to fall sick. I can’t imagine lying in the hotel room bed with a window view of a beach or a hill or a breathtaking landscape. Well things could also get worse, and you might find yourself in White Room with green robes, you got that right, a Hospital....

How to meet people while travelling solo

How to meet people while travelling solo

We strongly believe that nothing should stop you from traveling like your friends tight schedule, spouse’s busy job, or degrading health of parents, even if it means to travel solo. Wait are you little scared of it, because you shouldn’t be. Traveling solo feeds you soul as per your expectation without any unwanted fillers, and it is not at...

How to make most of Business Class

How to make most of business class

Don’t we all want to feel special, yes we do, and in travelling the best way to see yourself get pampered is to fly business class. This mode of travelling is mostly used by C Level Executives, or business men, or if you have extra disposable kitty in your bank account. On an average a business class ticket will...

How to make best use of your Travel Photos

How to make best use of your travel photos

Your trip usually ends before you even have a slightest idea that you a free butterfly out from your cocoon. Trip ends and time flies like anything. What it leaves is memories, and trust me, Loads and loads of pictures. If we didn’t had camera memory cards, these photographs would have piled up to take a space of that...

How to kill time at Airport

How to kill time at airport

I have always been an admirer of travelling, after all the possibilities in it are endless. Now getting back to the point of this blog, have you ever been stranded at an airport for long hours because of long layovers or flight delays or simply because you arrived the airport too early or luckily the security check in got...