Home Europe Top things to do in Frankfurt

Top things to do in Frankfurt

Top things to do in Frankfurt

It is the financial capital of Germany that also has earned the nickname of Main-hattan. You’ll realize why so, when you’ll see the skyline of the city. With a whole neighbourhood of museums, it can keep you engaged for days. Historic churches, remarkable architecture, and fun loving neighbourhood are the starting of reasons why you should be here. It always make through the list of top cities to live in and do business in. Annually it hosts Frankfurt book fair, the mightiest of publishing events. Being home to European central bank and prominent Business houses, the city is always on the move. Plus you’ll have great time dining in the city. Here are top things to do in Frankfurt.

Stadel Museum – Recently named ‘German Museum of the Year’, it is perfect spot to see works from Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque, and modern times. It exhibits works of Dürer, Rembrandt, Rubens, Renoir, and Picasso. Built in Gründerzeit style, the in house restroHolbein’s is also must try.

Senckenberg Museum – It is Germany’s second largest natural history museum, and has largest dinosaur skeleton in Europe.There are fossils of triceratops, iguanodon, t-rex, then there is skeleton of Lucy, a 3.2-million-year-old human ancestor, and even stuffed birds. Kids will totally enjoy it.

Romerberg – It is Frankfurt’s old central square with ornately gabled half-timbered buildings circling. Most of these buildings have cafes, bars, open-fronted shops on ground floor. It has Justice Fountain at its centre. Romerberg means ‘Roman Mountain’. Best time to visit it is during Christmas market.

Goethe House and Museum – It is restored home of Germany’s greatest writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. The building is decorated with Rococo facade and interior similar to his times. It has his childhood memories including a puppet house, while museum houses works of Goethe period.

Main Tower – It is the fourth tallest building of city and also Germany. It is must visit and top spot for 360 degree views of the city. Named after River Main it is a sustainable building. Lift takes only 45 seconds to reach the top, but book beforehand. It has a restaurant on top for food filled views.

Old Opera House – It was restored, reconstructed after WWII and is built in Italian High Renaissance style. It hosts more than 300 concerts in a year. Most common are shows by pianists, cellists, and orchestras.The plaza also includes a large fountain, lamp posts, and is totally Instagram worthy.

St. Paul’s Church – It is birthplace of German democracy, and symbol of freedom. It was seat of first freely elected German Parliament, and was used for political meetings. It was originally built as per Protestant principles so all could hear the sermon. Now it is often used for events, exhibitions.

Palmengarten – Home to more than 6000 botanical species, it has greenhouses, tropical hothouses, rose gardens, bamboo grove and rock garden. There are playgrounds, boating pond, and mini train. It hosts open air concerts including Jazz imPalmengarten, world’s oldest open air jazz festival.

Museum of Modern Art – Also known as ‘The slice of cake’ for its triangular architecture of building, it is home to more than 5000 pieces of arts. It boasts of having works of Roy Lichtenstein,Andy Warhol and Francis Bacon. It also has a satellite exhibition space housing pieces of applied art.

Kleinmarkthalle – With more than 150 stalls, it is the best place to get the feel of the city. You can expect to try the famous Frankfurt Green Sauce, made of seven herbs, sour cream, and egg. Also you will find whole grain German bread, smoked sausages, roasted nuts, pretzels and German pastries.

Hauptwache – It is located in the city’s busiest pedestrian areas, and is translated as ‘The Main Guard’ with mix of historic buildings, modern arcades. In the 18th century is housed militia, prison, and police station, though now is a city’s popular café. It is also close to main shopping area.

Eschenheimer Tower – Built back in the 15th century, it is the oldest unchanged monument of Frankfurt. Now it houses a café, restaurant, and meeting rooms used by historians. It will easily catch any one’s eye when visiting the Eschenheimer Gate district and is totally an Instagram worthy spot.

Sachsenhausen – This cobblestoned neighbourhood is totally different than the rest of Frankfurt, and more of a quaint place to tour. It was originally the apple orchards, then vineyards that occupied this part of city. Now it is the best spot to try sip of alcoholic apple cider (Aplfelwein) in region’s bars.

Deutsches Filmmuseum – German film museum focuses on the technological and development aspects of cinema right from invention of films, and sounds. It also exhibits on important figures of cinemas like Kubrick, Rainer Werner Fassbinder. It also hosts live performances and silent movies.

Lock your Love on Eiserner Steg – This iron bridge has been around for 150 years, but rebuilt twice. Best time to cross the bridge is late in the day when sun is at par with high rise towers. It is more popular for people visiting here and tying locks to the bridge with their loved ones (Allowed here).

It feels good to be lost in the right direction!


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