Home Tips Tips on finding good restaurant while travelling

Tips on finding good restaurant while travelling

Tips on finding good restaurant while travelling

The saying goes like this, ‘A good Meal can make your Trip’, and it couldn’t be truer. While we travel hills, beaches, mountains, lakes, monuments, museums, or whatever is worth seeing, there is one thing that we all need and never miss is eating. Eating great food is like garnishing to the travel experience. But in unfamiliar place, it could get hard to figure out where to eat. Back at home we all know Sam’s Grill, but destinations can be confusing with all similar looking food outlets. So here we have created few tips that would help you find your next favourite meal.

  • No better way to start these tips with Michelin Star Restaurants. They are official, they are tested, and they are all out there. All you need is to visit the Via Michelin website and enter the location you are at, and it will show you the best places to eat the finest food.

  • Talking of websites, another great place for your search is Yelp or any local website that aggregates reviews of all restaurants. A great hack is to see the reviews along their profile picture. People that match your personality, are ones whose reviews to be weighted.

  • Google listing is another great resource. But don’t be trapped by the one that tops the list, though it might be the closest. Google also allows you to filter the list of restaurants (places) on basis of reviews (If you didn’t know.). So set the standards high and go eating.

  • When surfing the restaurants online, you will come across many pictures. Most of them are stock images that can be easily found on internet and doesn’t represent the setting of that place nor the food. Put on your glasses and seek the place with genuine good pictures.

    Tips on finding good restaurant while travelling - Look around the crowd
  • Don’t be shy of walking in the restaurant and taking a good look. Interiors might not matter much, but what will is the people it’s occupied with. See if there are food connoisseur around, and how locals are dressed, are they casual or for some celebration feast.

  • Restaurants where people are talking and having a little good time tend to be better in food they serve. The reason behind being, a good talker will never take bad food, and will always discuss about food being good, which makes him come again. A sign they are regulars.

  • If you aren’t in a mood to judge, you can simply settle with a place with large crowd. It will be likely that food will be fresh, will have at least one speciality dish, and cooking methods will be standard. You might not get extraordinary exp., but you’ll taste local flavours.

  • There are only two exceptions to the previous points. One, if the restaurant is in vicinity to a hot tourist spot, obviously it will be crowded, by people with no clue. Two, if it is a cheap outlet, the overwhelming crowd is there to just take a meal which is worth the value.

  • A guidebook won’t tell you everything. Way to make best out of it, is to find a location that has maximum number of written food outlets, then of that location select few that appeals you most and are nearby. Then do a walk in, in all of them, and follow previous points.

  • Another great resource for finding right spot is hotel concierge. Ask him clearly what type of experience you are looking for, and he will tip you best. Remember he too is from hospitality and will always know the best places to eat. He is a golden source of information.

  • Follow the leader and you will end up someplace better than before for sure. In here, follow the chefs, see where they go out for eating, and what places do they recommend. You will find famous local chefs by google, rest sneak into their Twitter and Instagram account.

    Tips on finding good restaurant while travelling - Good chefs
  • Check posts of your favourite food blogger. Don’t have one, google will help, though you will have to judge quickly if they share similar taste buds tendencies. Their posts will have vital info about best places to eat. These people travel a lot and do lots of reviews.

  • Check websites of popular TV food shows and people associated with them. The easiest way around is to search your destination name in their website, and if they have covered it, you will probably get your piece of information. Chances are, that you will get it.

  • If you are looking some high end experiences, the foremost tip is to make the reservation prior to your visit. With prior we mean at least two to three months before, and we aren’t joking about it. To find these visit Worlds 50 Best or Travel & Leisure websites.

  • How can we miss Instagram as a resource! It is flooded with food Instagrammers. You will just have to follow few popular hashtags such as #foodporn, #foodgasm, #nom, #foodie, #instafood, #foodpic, and you will probably come across a great food joint.

  • When you take a decision to ask a local person about the best restaurant around. Keep this in mind that his Intel will be useful only if he has a good taste and habit of eating out. If he too has just heard about these places, he wouldn’t be a great resource. So pick wisely.

  • Remember you are on a trip, and keeping eyes open is not a bad idea, especially if by chance you spot your next eatery. One might not be a great judge, but we all are sensuous enough to understand if a place is worth a visit by merely seeing. It’s always just around the corner.

Good Food is the Best Times!


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