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Most common diseases you can catch while travelling

Most common diseases you can catch while travelling

Travelling is all fun and play, till you are at best of your health. A bug catches up with you, and you get ridden off to bed. Catching a disease must be the last thing you would want on a trip, but trust me these bacteria’s, virus’s, and bugs are all around you, no matter where you go, and how far you go. It doesn’t means we stop travelling, but we have to keep our chances with avoiding them. For that, you need to know, what these travelling diseases are. So here we are, with a comprehensive list of nasty sicknesses that bother our travels.

Tetanus – Tetanus is commonly found in developing countries. Tetanus is caused by the infection of a bacteria, named as Clostridium Tetani. The other most popular nick name of Tetanus is Lock Jaw. It gets its name because it causes the jamming of the muscles of Neck and Jaw in people who are infected by it. The bacteria that causes Tetanus are found in dust, dirt, soil and faecal matter.

It causes muscular stiffness and can also be fatal. The severe cases of Tetanus leads to locking of muscles which slows down the breathing and end up in death. It spreads through open wounds, animal bite, or burns. Once affected it causes muscular contraction in neck, back, or chest. Symptoms can also include high fever, nervous system dysfunction. It can be immunized with a help of a vaccine.

Giardiasis – Giardiasis is commonly found in Sub Sahara Africa, South Asia, Latin America, and Balkans. The disease is caused by a microscopic parasite named as Giardia duodenalis. This parasite lives in the intestine part of the body, and its infection affects digestive system. The disease also is called by the name of Beaver Fever.

The most common means of spreading of the Giardiasis is through contaminated food or person to person contact. Poor sanitation and consumption of unsafe water are also some of the reason of its spread. Symptoms include abdominal cramps, indigestion, loss of appetite, or bloating. Hand washing, good personal hygiene, can prove to be preventive against it.

West Nile Virus (WNV) – West Nile Virus is commonly found in Temperate and Tropical regions. It is a mosquito borne disease and spreads with the bite of infected mosquito. The most common time frame when it spreads are the summers up till fall. Majority of the people do not experience high fever, and the fatality rate of this disease is also low.

Unfortunately there is nob virus yet developed against the West Nile Virus. Some of the most common symptoms include fever, fatigue, headache, vomiting, or swollen lymph nodes. In worst cases it also affects the central nervous system. It can be prevented by wearing long sleeves, using insect repellent, and putting up a bed net.

Dengue Fever – Dengue fever is also known as Break Bone Fever. It is commonly found in South Asia and Africa. It is a mosquito borne disease, and spreads through infected mosquito. If you get infected repeatedly with this disease, then you are at greater risk of developing severe disease. The symptoms include sudden fever, weakness, rashes, joint pain or headache.

Treatment can be done by re hydration or blood transfusion or by taking pain relievers. In cases of severe infection hospital care might also be needed. Normally the treatment of Dengue fever is completed within few days to a week. You can avoid this disease by usage of mosquito repellent, long sleeves shirt, or by using sleeping nets.

Lyme disease – Lyme disease is caused by a bacterium named Borrelia burgdorferi. Lyme Disease is also known as borreliosis. It is commonly found in Northern or Pacific coastal regions of North America.. It is a bacterial disease spread by bite of infected black leg ticks. You are likely to be infected by this disease if you are exploring the grassy, bushy or wooded areas.

Some of the most common symptoms include fever, headache, fatigue or skin rash. The early symptoms also include a itchy bump on the skin like it is caused by the bite of mosquito. Early stage can be treated with antibiotics, and in fact most of the people infected with Lyme disease are cured by the help of antibiotics. You can avoid it by using insect repellents, and wearing long sleeves shirt.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) – There are eight pathogens that are linked to the Sexually transmitted diseases. Four of them are treatable which are Chlamydia, Syphilis, Gonorrhoea and Trichomoniasis. The other four are incurable viral infections, which are named as Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV), Hepatitis B, HIV and Human Papillomavirus (HPV).

Different infections cause conditions like fertility complexes, cold sores, stomach tenderness or appetite disturbance. It is also to be noted that not all the infections will have symptoms, or early symptoms. They are all spread by sexual activity and caused by bacteria, pathogens, or viruses spread through them. It is highly recommended to use condoms and stay safe than sorry.

Chikungunya – Chikungunya Viral Fever is commonly found in Asia, Africa and Americas. It is a mosquito borne disease, which is caused by the infection of Chikungunya Virus, CHIKV. The mosquitoes that causes Chikungunya virus will bite you in broad day light. The viruis can also be transmitted from person to person through the transmission by mosquitoes.

Some of the most common symptoms include headache, muscle pain, rash, or joint swelling. Most of the symptoms will start to appear in the infected person within a week. The Chikungunya Fever can be avoided by getting not bitten by mosquitoes, wearing long sleeves, using repellents. There’s no treatment for this infection and you have to bear its course.

Tuberculosis (TB) – Tuberculosis is commonly found in Asia, Sub Sahara Africa and Latin America. It is highly contagious and air borne disease. It can spread from human to human in most common circumstances. The most common means of spread of Tuberculosis is through sneezes and coughs. It attacks respiratory system and the organ affected by it is lungs.

Some of the most common symptoms include cough, chest pain, fever or weakness. It is to be noted that people from whom the bacteria is spread often do not show symptoms, or might show early symptoms. You got to be vaccinated against Tuberculosis which is a partial way of avoiding the disease. The treatment of Tuberculosis requires a long medication of antibiotics.

Most common diseases you can catch while travelling

Malaria – Malaria is commonly found in Asia, Africa, Latin America, Eastern Europe and South Pacific. It is a mosquito borne disease, that spreads through mosquito bite of infected ones. It is also known as Plasmodium infection, as it is spread because of the plasmodium parasite which is spread by the infected mosquitoes.

The severity of Malaria disease is affected by the species of the Plasmodium. The Malaria disease shows symptoms after weeks like Chills, Nausea, and fever. Malaria is a life threatening disease if not taken adequate methods to combat it. Malaria can be easily avoided with usage of anti malaria pills before, during and after your tenure of trip.

Yellow Fever – Yellow fever is commonly found in tropical regions of Africa and South America. It is a mosquito borne disease which spreads by the bite of infected mosquitoes. It spreads because of the particular species of mosquitoes, named as Aedes Aegypti. It is a short term disease which usually runs the course within few days to a week.

Some of the most common symptoms of Yellow Fever are fever, chills, headache, backache or jaundice. When the disease gets severe, it can also lead to organ failure. In severe cases the top organs that are affected by Yellow Fever are Heart, Liver and Kidneys. The only protection is from vaccine that too lifelong. So better be safe than sorry.

Diarrhea – Diarrhea is commonly found in developing countries. It largely affects the infants or the elderly’s. The most common symptoms of Diarrhea include that you are having a stool that is loose or watery. It is majorly caused by the consuming of contaminated food or unsafe drinks. It usually lasts for couple of days and is often gone without even the need of medication.

In cases when it lasts longer that means you have a serious infection. In severe cases you might be required to use the washroom for more than couple of times in the day. Diarrhea also leads to bloating, nausea, or dehydration. The most common means to cure it is through antibiotics and fluids such as ORS. As precaution use packaged water, hand sanitizers and properly cooked food.

Norovirus (Winter Vomiting Bug) – Norovirus is common in cold climates and confined spaces. As by the trend seen in the spread of Norovirus, it happens a lot on Cruise ships. Contamination can spread widely and anyone in close proximity. One must note that Norovirus is highly contagious. The Norovirus can stray on the surface for as longs as handful of days and even weeks.

The symptoms of Norovirus can start to appear within a day of the infection. Some of the most common symptoms include diarrhea, fever, vomiting, and weakness that might take few days to recover. The primary reason of its spread is through food or water which has been contaminated, or through contaminated surfaces. It can prevented by proper hand wash, packaged water, and properly cooked food.

Ebola – Ebola is commonly found in Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, and Congo. Ebola is also known by the name of Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever. It is a viral disease that spreads through contact of body fluids like saliva through kissing or shared drinks, or by usage of infected needles, or through contaminated surfaces. It can cause excessive bleeding, organ failure and can even lead to death.

Some of the most common symptoms of Ebola are fever, rash, Diarrhea, vomiting and red eyes. It has no treatment and is mostly fatal. IN severe cases the hospital care support might come of help. The virus directly affect the blood clotting system of body and can also cause internal bleeding. It can be avoided with hand washing or protective clothing.

Typhoid – Typhoid is also called by the name of Enteric Fever. This life threatening disease is caused by bacterium Salmonella Typhi. Typhoid is commonly found in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. It is a bacterial disease that majorly spreads by contaminated food and water. It is a short term disease but when it gets severe can be life threatening.

Some of the most common symptoms of Typhoid are fevers, weakness, stomach pains, or headache. Best prevention is by taking vaccine, especially when you are traveling to a region that is affected by the spread of Typhoid. The disease can also be cured by antibiotics and by the intake of fluids, and use of Penicillin. To avoid Typhoid one should stick to bottled water. and properly cooked food.

Schistosomiasis – Schistosomiasis is also known by the name of Bilharzia. The disease is commonly found in Africa, Middle East, Latin America, and South Asia. It is the world’s second most devastating disease caused by Parasite, only second to Malaria. Freshwater snails release this worm that could penetrate in your body. These parasites can gravely affect the intestine, liver and other organs.

Some of the most common symptoms of Schistosomiasis are fever, chills, cough, or muscle aches, but they appear late in the person who is affected by it. You can also experience blood in your urine, or pain during urination, or blood in the stool. The disease can be treated by the help of medication that runs for couple of days. You must avoid it by not swimming in unhygienic water bodies.

Hepatitis A – Hepatitis A is also known by the name of Hep A and is caused by the infection caused by Hepatitis A Virus. Hepatitis A is commonly found in developing nations. It majorly spreads through contaminated water and uncooked food, and can also spread by coming in contact with a person who is already infected by Hepatitis A Virus.

Unsafe water, sanitation and poor hygiene are main causes of this disease. Some of the most common symptoms of Hepatitis A include fever, malaise, diarrhea or loss of appetite. The condition of Hepatitis A takes a couple of month by when the disease has run its course. Treatment is only by re hydration or supportive hospital care.

Catch up good Vibes not Diseases!


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