Things not to do while Traveling

Things not to do while travelling

When you are out on a trip you become vulnerable to new people, new surroundings and new customs. It is when you have to be extra careful about what you do and what you don’t. Your actions in a foreign land can get you friends and could also put you in trouble. Nothing serious, but there are many other...

Social Media Tips for Travelers

Social Media Tips for travellers

If internet is king, then social media is its power. Travel industry had, and will be always influenced by word of mouth. People would see your pictures later, and first ask about your experience. Though beauty of a destination cannot always be well described and also it is subjective, still people seem to trust more the other people or...

Qualities of a good traveller

Qualities of a good traveller

Travelling every year least once a time or maybe even more, might not be the parameter to make one a good traveler. Travelling has more science to it. We all get fascinated by gleaming new destinations that we see online or in a magazine. But there are few that make it to visit that, and fewer that make the...

Qualities of a good Hotel

Qualities of a good hotel

The success of our trip directly depends on how pleasant our stay was, and when we travel we mostly stay in a hotel. Well this is not to trick you to stay at a hotel, but show you the importance of a good hotel in making your travel experiences better. In severe winters if you have to bath with...

Photo Ideas for Travelers

Photo ideas for travel

Nothing beats framing your trip in picture perfect. Did we need to say, that trips are full of picture opportunities, and means to bring your Instagram account to Life. On a trip every new and distinct landscape, or a vibrant place might appear picturesque but trust me there is lot to more to taking pictures that move you. We...

Perks of staying in a hostel while Travelling

Perks of Staying in a hostel while Travelling

I am glad to be one of those people that would travel the world if they get one million dollars. But seriously it doesn’t change the status quo much, as I’d also travel without that much of money, because Budget travel, backpacking, and hostels do exist. Yes hostels are predominantly for students, backpackers, and budget travelers. But as supposed...

Packing tips for travelers

Packing tips for travellers

You can’t go on a trip, till you have packed your bags. The right, the better, or you will end up gazing at that gigantic piece of case trying to motivate you to be Hercules. Not always, sometimes it will question your memory or even IQ, and sometimes it will make you feel short of all things essential. Whether...

Packing List for Cruise Trip

Packing list for cruise trips

Headed for a cruise, but clouded with thoughts on what to pack. This can be a headache, trust me. Even veteran cruise travellers make mistakes while packing only to regret later. First you need to understand what you have undertaken. It’s a cruise people! You will be in middle of sea though in your comfortable cabins or entertaining top...

Most common Tourist Scams

Most common tourist scams

Travelling is by far the most elevating experience one can have. But there are some things that make you a traveller or rather tourist, such as huge reserve of money, vulnerability to outer world, less knowledge about your immediate surroundings, practically no local friends around the place, etc. etc. These features of a tourist also make them a potential...

Most common diseases you can catch while travelling

Most common diseases you can catch while travelling

Travelling is all fun and play, till you are at best of your health. A bug catches up with you, and you get ridden off to bed. Catching a disease must be the last thing you would want on a trip, but trust me these bacteria’s, virus’s, and bugs are all around you, no matter where you go, and...