Home Tips Tips for Traveling with Kids

Tips for Traveling with Kids

Tips for Traveling with Kids

Well we all agree that kids add sunshine to our lives, but the other side of story is ugly as it involves poop and tantrums. Waiting for kids to grow up to have a hassle free trip is acting stupid and depriving kids from amazing new experiences. They might not remember, but stories will live ever after. Traveling with kids is as easy as pushing your gasless car, and as difficult as opening soda without an opener. My point is, it is sheer state of mind and it just needs your attention cum care. We have listed some tips that will come in handy and stop a nightmare coming true.

  • Pack your kid’s stuff like clothes, socks, underwear, etc. in a zip lock bags. Ensure that they are sterilized. Remember that kids are prone to catching diseases. Keeping everything apart will ensure cleanliness, safety, hygiene, and best organized.

  • Always keep the boredom away from kids, if you don’t want them to act erratically. You can bring GI Joes, Color books, comics, water bottle or clothes with their favorite character or their favorite teddy. This will keep them happy and you in relief.

  • Always keep a first aid kit with yourself. Kids fall very often, they tend to subject themselves to activities that can cause minor injuries. So have band aids, antiseptic liquid, sprays and tubes. This will keep the panic out, and you will feel like a pro parent.

  • Keep yourself stocked especially for flights. Kids will become restless as they will realize they have sat for too long. Keep healthy snacks, and lots of water to keep them hydrated. Air in planes can be very dry, and kids are too sensitive.

  • Babies must be accompanied with lots of under wears and means of wiping their poops. These all additional items can be carried in a tote bag that you can carry easily. Don’t wait to get back to hotel, use a public washroom or you will only make it ugly.

    Tips for Traveling with Kids - Under Wears
  • Stuff up your IPad with lots of new cartoon shows, and new games for kids. I insist on ‘new’ because that will hold them for longer time. Yes that is tricky but proven. This will hugely help in flights, local commutes in your trips, and anytime you aren’t sightseeing.

  • Travel during daytime, as it can be hard putting your little ones to sleep on plane. It could also be socially awkward if the kid starts crying while everyone is snoring. Daytime travel with adjust well with kids activities and you can sleep well in hotel when you arrive.

  • Don’t be hard on your kids and never make unrealistic assumptions. In places like Amsterdam where the joy is in walking around the city, might not suit well to your kids. Don’t make them walk too much, or consequences will be extreme and uneasy to handle.

  • If you have couple of kids, you might also want to consider Airbnb instead of booking a suite, or a hotel that has apartment like setup. This will give your kids a space altogether and they will enjoy more than in your company. It will also strengthen bonds between kids.

  • Always, keep your bookings done in advance. This will reduce your time in haggling and hanging around, which usually annoys kids. I mean all bookings, be it museum tickets, or subway pass, or anything. Remember kids hate queues, and it becomes unmanageable if they are upset.

  • Traveling with Kids is not at all the other name of compromising. You don’t have to stuff your local sightseeing with kid oriented places. But choose ones that you would like your kids to be influenced with. Make them open to culture, traditions, and people.

    Tips for Traveling with Kids - Fun
  • Kids are not that focused and more interested in finding fun. So spend more time in tour spots with your kid so they grasp more of the environment and everything around. You will notice that slowly they will start admiring, and it will be your victorious moment.

  • If a holiday is a break to your routine, let it be the same for your kids too. I mean you have to break the barriers that stop them from eating ice creams, chocolates, candies, or drinking coke, or eating junk food. Guys you got treat kids equally.

  • Involve your kids actively during travel. They are not that small and bigger the better. Right from choosing the hotel room, ask them does it looks good, or you can send them to buy a ticket for subway, or ask them to stop a taxi (Carefully), etc. etc. This will make them happy. Trust me.

  • Indulge them in taking photos, and show them their every click. This will bend them artistically. When you in charge, take as many photos of your kids as possible, trust me they will love it more when they are all grown up.

  • One great way of planting seeds of travel in your kids is to make carry their own luggage. This is best suited for kids that are older than 10. Also implant a sense of responsibility that they take care of it too. But apart from everything, keep an eye on them.

  • This one is for you. Don’t be shy for asking Kids discount. It will be available right from hotels to restaurants, parks to museums, planes to subways, and all places also used by kids. This might not sound like a huge budget saver, but trust me it saves a lot.

  • Don’t let your kids go out of your sight, point is be watchful. This one is especially for busy tourist spots. You always don’t need to hold their hands, but keep an eye always. This will save you from mishaps, and kids will tend to be safe.

You can’t be kidding around with Kids!


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