Home Mixed Bag Most beautiful castles in the world

Most beautiful castles in the world

Most beautiful castles in the world

What fascinates most to travellers is no doubt history, and castles. Castles though predominantly are considered to be of European culture, but they are found everywhere. They served the functions of being a royal retreat and defensive architecture for enemies.  Coming together of both of them has always been intriguing. Castles hold history. They hold stories of capital murders, shining knights, birth of royal babies, grand royal marriages, and History changing plots, so on. Now as most of them stand empty as a showcase to by gone era, these prodigious pieces of architecture are one of the best spots a traveller can be at. They are on top of mountains, floating on riverside, hidden in woods, or watching over the cities, but where ever they are they never fail to catch the eyes. Here we are with some of the most beautiful castles around the world.

Neuschwanstein, Germany

Neuschwanstein, Germany

Built in 19th century by King Ludwig it got open to public in 1886. The architects designed it to bring back romantic ideals of Middle Ages, with snow-capped Alps in backdrop, and Bavarian plains beneath. It is visited by 1.3 million visitors annually.

Mont Saint Michel, France

Mont Saint Michel, France

Located in Normandy, 1 km off the coast, it houses the Saint Michel’s monastery. Being separated by coast of ever changing tides, it made this spot resistible to attacks. It is an UNESCO world heritage site, visited by 3 million annually. Most notable feature of the castle is tall turquoise spire with a small golden statue of Saint Michel at the top.

Kilkenny Castle, Ireland

Kilkenny Castle, Ireland

It was built in 12th century, to control the strategic crossing of River Nore. It is a typical Anglo Norman stone castle, and has undergone many architectural changes over time. It is now surrounded by vast manicured lawns enjoyed by visitors along with magnificent interiors.

Windsor Castle, England

Windsor Castle, England

It is the oldest and largest inhabited castles of world. It has served as official royal residence for British Monarchy for over 900 years. The castle is surrounded by 13 acres of land featuring fortification, a palace and a small town featuring Georgian and Victorian design.

Chateau de Chambord, France

Château de Chambord, France

It is a perfect example of French Renaissance architecture with 440 rooms, 282 fireplaces, 84 staircases, ad a moat, built in Loire Valley. Its popular double helix staircase was designed by Leonardo da Vinci himself. It symbolizes French Monarchy power, and everlasting influence, and was only used as royal residence for weeks.

Himeji Castle, Japan

Himeji Castle, Japan

Also known as White Heron Castle, this prodigious castle was built in 13th century as a fortress against local shotguns. It compromises of 83 buildings, and was never used in battle but only residential purposes. Surrounded by cherry blossom gardens, it is declared as national treasure. You will find both Japanese and English, guided tours.

Bran Castle, Romania

Bran Castle, Romania

Also nicknamed as Dracula’s castle, it is most popular spots of Transylvania. Built in 14th century, it got its share of tales by Vlad the Impaler, who was infamous for his brutal torture methods. Travellers can wander through its narrow stairways leading to 60 timbered rooms.

Edinburgh Castle, Scotland

Edinburgh Castle, Scotland

Sitting on top of Castle rock, it overlooks the capital of Scotland. It is the most besieged place of Britain, with 26 major attacks in lifespan of 1100 years. It has been used as both residential and military fortress. It has many spots to see including Scottish Stone of Destiny.

Pena Palace, Portugal

Pena Palace, Portugal

It symbolizes historic styles like Gothic, Moorish and Renaissance. It was built during the Romantic movement of 19th century. It was built on scenic Sintra Mountains as a summer home for Royal family with use of flashy colours. It is now a UNESCO world heritage site.

Amber Fort, India

Amber Fort, India

It was built in 17th century by Mughal rulers of Rajasthan. It is now a UNESCO World heritage site with 6 hill forts. The palace within fortified walls consists of Rajput styled courtyards, and intricate architecture in Maharaja’s Apartments, Sukh Niwas, and Diwan-i-Am.

Topkapi Sarayi, Turkey

Topkapi Sarayi, Turkey

It has all features of a classic castle like defensible grounds, fortified walls, powerful gateways and royal residence of Ottoman Sultans. It was built in 19th century, and now offers extensive gardens to tour along with unmissable Imperial Harlem and Imperial Treasury.

Prague Castle, Czech Republic

Prague Castle, Czech Republic

This imposing citadel is only one of few castles that still house the seat of power, this one as residence of President. It confines St Vitus Cathedral, the Old Royal Palace, 10 gardens and a row of 16th-century cottages called the Golden Lane. It was built in 9th century.

Bodiam Castle, England

Bodiam Castle, England

It is one of the most iconic castles due to its circular towers, ramparts, moat, and gatehouse.It was built in 14th century as the bastion of a former royal knight. Now it hosts archery sessions, dressing up in medieval costumes, noon tea with cakes and scones, guided tours.

Frederiksborg Castle, Denmark

Frederiksborg Castle, Denmark

It is built on 3 small isles on Castle Lake, as a symbol of power of ruler of Denmark and Norway. This Renaissance castle served as royal residence for 100 years. Now it serves as a museum exhibiting collection of portraits, historical paintings, and castle interiors.

Malbork Castle, Poland

Malbork Castle, Poland

Also known as Castle of the Teutonic Order in Malbork, it was built in 13th century. As per UNESCO it is the largest castle in the world measured by land. It was once the largest brick castle of world. At a point of its existence it housed up to 3000 knights. It has a strategic location near Baltic Sea and River Vistula, where Knights collected toll from traders.

It’s better to have a passport full of stamps than a house full of stuff!


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