Home Mixed Bag VISA information for different countries

VISA information for different countries

VISA information for different countries

Your planning for travel is so incomplete without a VISA. When more than half of the world talks at least something about freedom everyday.. It sounds weird, when anyone has to depend on an authorization to travel from one country to another. But it isn’t that bad, by VISA many countries able themselves to stop influx of unwanted elements and people. VISA is like the door of your house which you don’t open to welcome just anybody. Every country’s VISA norms are influenced by their international relations. IT might be hard to visit some country and as easy as breathing for another one. Here we have created some facts about VISA for different countries. You should check, before you make a move.

Egypt – Egypt has made it possible for most of tourists and visitors to obtain entry VISA and any major ports of entry for about US$20. Citizens of EU, Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Malaysia, Korea, Russia, USA can obtain VISA on arrival. Visitors entering Egypt at the overland border post to Taba (from Israel) to visit St. Catherine and Gulf of Aqaba can be exempted from visa and granted a free residence permit for fourteen days. Citizens of few countries like Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria and the United Arab Emirates, are not required to obtain VISA for Egypt. If you are not arriving Egypt via air or sea, you will be needed to arrange for VISA prior your visit.

Kenya – Citizens of Barbados, Cyprus, Fiji, Jamaica, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritius, Singapore, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe and many others need not to have VISA to travel to Kenya. For other countries VISA can be obtained at Airport upon arrival for US$50 (single entry) and for US$100 (Multiple entry). Fee for VISA at Kenyan embassy is as follows – Transit Visa is for US$20 per person, with Reference Fee of US$10. To explore Kenya you can also take East Africa Tourist VISA for US$100 valid for 90 days which will give you entry to Kenya, Rwanda, and Uganda.

Mauritius – Truly a paradise for tourists, as it doesn’t requires VISA for entering for most of the countries. Even if it does, the VISA can be easily obtained on arrival at the airport.

Morocco – Citizens from countries like Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Mexico, New Zealand, Netherlands, Philippines, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Switzerland, UK, USA, UAE and ma ny other countries do not require any VISA for visits up to 90 days. Visitors looking to extend their stay can do it easily by applying to the Immigration or Bureau des Etrangers department of the local police, which are present in all major cities and larger towns.

South Africa – Citizens of following countries, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, USA, Zimbabwe and many others do not need VISA for visits up to 90 days. All minors under 18 must have birth certificate with both parents names printed. If minor is not travelling with both parents then legal documents outlining both parents must be accompanied.

Zimbabwe – Citizens of following countries, Bahamas, Barbados, Cyprus, Fiji, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritius, Singapore, South Africa, Tanzania and many more do not need VISA to visit. Citizens of few countries can obtain VISA at point of entry by paying the VISA processing fee. Visa for Zimbabwe costs US$30 for single entry, US$45 for double entry and US$55 for multi-entry.For citizens of few countries, Zimbabwe requires that you obtain VISA prior to travelling.

China – For travelling to China you don’t need a VISA, only if you are coming from Singapore, Brunei and Japan for a duration of 15 days of trip. For few countries, China allows you to stay at selected airports for 72 hours, provided you hold visas for onward countries, final destination tickets, and have booked seats.China also has provision for VISA on arrival that can be purchased for visiting Shenzhen. It is available for most except USA. The cost for VISA starts at 150RMB. It is valid for 5 days and only for Shenzhen. It can be obtained from border crossing with Hong Kong and Shenzhen airport. VISA for China can be obtained easily at most embassies and takes on an average of 4 days, though prices vary depending on the country you are a citizen of.

Hong Kong – Working holiday VISA are available for people with nationality from Australia, Austria, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea and United Kingdom. Hong Kong is flexible to most of the nations with VISA free entry, for others you need to apply for at Chinese Embassy. Citizens from India and Taiwan need to apply for VISA prior to their arrival. VISA for Hong Kong are managed by Chinese Embassies.

India – India has VISA free entrance only for the citizens of Bhutan, Maldives, and Nepal. India circulates tourist VISA’s that are valid for 6 months from date of issue, and they are going to cost around US$50. Though processing of that VISA might fall anywhere in between of one day to one week. Indian Government has it easy for VISA applicants by making the first phase of application online. Indian Government has also made VISA on arrival possible for hundreds of nations. VISA on arrival facility is available at Ahmedabad, Amritsar, Bengaluru, Chennai, Cochin, Delhi, Gaya, Goa, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, Tiruchirappalli, Trivandrum & Varanasi airports, with a price tag in terms of fee for US$60. If you wish to extend the stay longer than 6 months in India, you will have to leave the country and apply for another fresh VISA.

Indonesia – Citizens of following countries do not need a VISA for visits up to 30 days, Argentina, Austria, Australia, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Bhutan, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Cuba, Cyprus, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, India, Japan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritius, Mexico, Myanmar, Netherland, New Zealand, Oman, Philippines, Portugal, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, UK, USA, UAE, and many others. Countries not eligible for above can obtain VISA on arrival for a small fee of US$35. For citizens of few countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Nigeria and few others, you have to obtain VISA prior to your arrival.

Japan – Working holiday VISA are available for visitors of age falling in between 18 and 30 belonging to Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Hong Kong, Ireland, Germany, New Zealand, UK and few others. Citizens of few countries can enter Japan without a VISA with duration of their stay ranging from 30 to 90 days. These countries are Argentina, Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Italy, Malaysia, Mauritius, New Zealand, Netherland, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, USA, UK, and few others. Foreign visitors to Japan must be prepared to be photographed, fingerprinted, and questioned every time they enter Japan.

Malaysia – Citizens of most of the countries can visit Malaysia without a VISA and can stay up to a month. Citizens of few countries require a VISA before they enter, like Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Israel, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and few others.

Maldives – The beautiful country offers 30 day VISA on arrival for all visitors. Visitors are going to needs a valid passport, an onward ticket, right to enter the onward destination, and minimum of US$150 per person per day or you could replace this by a pre reservation in a hotel for your entire period of stay in Maldives. If you wish to extend the stay for another 60 days, it could be easily done with fee of US$50.

Nepal – Indian citizens can visit Nepal without a VISA, and for others it can be obtained easily from any Nepalese Embassy or Consulate, or at any entry point in Nepal. Multiple entry tourist VISA can be obtained for a fee of US$25 for 15 days, US$40 for 30 days and US$100 for 90 days. You are going to need a passport photo. Another type is business VISA which is cheaper and starts at US$100 for a year.Visitors can also extend their stay in Nepal by paying US$2 per day as extended VISA fee. But maximum duration of stay can be 150 days per calendar year, or you will be subjected to a fine. VISA has been made free for all visitors coming from SAARC nations.

Pakistan – Citizens of Iceland, Maldives, Nepal, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago and Western Samoa, do not need any VISA to enter Pakistan,while everyone else needs to go through the VISA application process, with fee ranging from US$30 to US$160. Visitors entering from Chinese borders cannot get VISA on arrival.

Philippines – Most of the visitors from across the world get 30 days VISA on arrival. Citizens from following countries must obtain VISA prior to their arrival, Bangladesh, China, Egypt, India, Iran, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and many others. There is a special provision for citizens of Hong Kong and Macao, for a VISA free entrance for 14 days. Extending VISA in the country can be done easily for a fee of US$25 per month.Balikbayan Program run by Philippines allows former Philippinos and their family a VISA free visit for up to a year.

Singapore – Most of the western World people do not require a VISA, or they can get it issued for 14 or 30 days on arrival. Citizens of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, China, Egypt, India, Myanmar, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and few other countries will be needed to make VISA arrangements prior to their visit. Singapore also has working holiday agreement with students from nationalities of Australia, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Switzerland, UK and USA.

Sri Lanka – Citizens of Maldives, Singapore and Seychelles, can enter Sri Lanka without a VISA. Citizens of Cameroon, Ghana, Ivory Coast and Nigeria should apply for VISA beforehand at nearest Sri Lankan Embassy. The VISA cost for citizens of SAARC countries is US$15 and US$30 for everyone else. It can also be obtained on arrival with an extra fee of US$5. If travelers desire to stay longer, then VISA for Sri Lanka can easily extended for three months. Transit VISA for up to 2 days is free for Sri Lanka.

Thailand – Citizens of following countries can enter Thailand by air without any VISA for stay of 30 days, or by land for a visit of 15 days, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Brazil, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, USA, UK, UAE and few other countries. Citizens of following countries can obtain VISA on arrival and can stay up to 15 days, Bhutan, China, India, Maldives, Mauritius, Saudi Arabia and few others. Overstaying than your VISA results to a fine of 500Bht per day at border or airport.. If you get caught anywhere else by Police, you will get a tour of some days in Thai Prison. Overstaying is a serious offense that can lead to Prison, Trail, and Deportation.

Australia – To be eligible for Working Holiday VISA you have to be aged between 18 to 30 years. It is valid for total of 12 months from date of arrival. You might indulge yourself in casual or temp work, but working for straight 6 months with single employer is a No. The permitted nationalities for working holiday VISA are Bangladesh, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, South Korea, UK, and few more. Apart from New Zealand, citizens of all other countries need to have VISA to visit. Citizens of Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, UK, USA and few more can apply for ETA that empowers visitors for a three month stay per visit in a 12 month period. Though the VISA is free but service fee of AU$20 is going to apply. There is also aevisitor VISA for all nations of EU. Everyone else can apply for 600 class VISA with a fee of AU$130.

Fiji – Citizens of Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Cyprus, Denmark, Germany, France, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Maldives, Mexico, New Zealand, Netherlands, Philippines, Portugal, Ireland, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, UAE, USA, UK and many others will not require to have VISA for visiting Fiji for 3 months. For others and extended stay VISA can be applied at any Fiji Embassy for a fee of US$50.

New Zealand – The working Holiday program is eligible to citizens of Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Philippines, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, UK, USA and few others. The citizens of Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Macau, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherland, Portugal, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UAE, USA and few more, need not to have visitor VISA for New Zealand for visit of 3 Months or less. UK citizens can stay in New Zealand for up to 6 months without any VISA.

Bahamas – Citizens of Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, China, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Fiji, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritius, Mexico, Netherlands, Oman, Poland, Qatar, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States Of America, and many more need not to have a VISA for visits up to 3 months. For rest of the world, arrange for VISA at embassies which come at a cost of US$60.

Cuba – Citizens of Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Belarus, Malaysia, Russia, and few others do not need to have a VISA for visiting up to 30 days. Most of nationalities do not need any VISA for visiting Cuba, but you should get Tourist Card in advance. They come at a fee of US$25 and are available at airport. They give permit to visit Cuba for 30 days, and must be used within 6 months. They can also be extended for extra 30 days. These cards can also be bought from embassies or travel agents.

Austria – Austria is a part of the travel treaty Schengen agreement and length of visit is up to 90 days. VISA is not required by citizens of following country for visits up to 90 days in a six month period, EU, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Brazil, Canada, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, UAE, US, and few more.

Belgium – Citizens of the following countries not need to have VISA for visiting Belgium for 90 days in 6 month period, EU Nations, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland, UAE, US, and few others. Citizens of following countries can benefit from Holiday Working VISA, Australia, Canada, Taiwan and New Zealand.

Denmark – Citizens of Argentina, Australia, Canada Chile, Japan, New Zealand and South Korea can avail the Holiday Working VISA. Citizens of EU Nations, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, UAE, US, and many others need not require a VISA for a visit up to 90 days in a 6 month period.

France – Citizens of EU Nations, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, UAE, US, and many others need not to have a VISA for visits up to 90 days in 6 month period.France is also a member of the Schengen Countries and members can take benefit of visits. Citizens of Argentina, Australia, New Zealand can avail the Holiday Working VISA.

Germany – Citizens of Australia, Chile, New Zealand and Japan can avail Working Holiday VISA. Citizens of, EU Nations, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, UAE, US, and many more need not to have VISA for a visit up to 90 days in 6 Month Period. Germany is also part of Schengen Countries and members can avail the benefits of travel.

Greece – Citizens of EU Nations, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, UAE, US, and many more need not to have VISA for visits up to 90 days in 6 month period. Greece is also a member of Schengen Countries and members can avail the travel benefits.

Ireland – Citizens of Argentina, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, Taiwan and USA, can avail the benefit of Working Holiday VISA. Citizens of Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Fiji, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Maldives, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, USA, and many others need not to have VISA for visits up to 90 days in 6 month period.Citizens of Belarus, China, India, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Turkey, UAE and few others can enter Ireland if they also have entered UK and have UK 180 day visa. Ireland is not a part of Schengen Countries.

Italy – Citizens of EU Nations, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, UAE, US, and many more need not to have VISA for visits up to 90 days in a 6 month period. Italy is a member of Schengen Countries and members can avail the travel benefits. Italy also has a Working Holiday VISA program for Australian Nationals.

Netherlands – Citizens of EU Nations, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, UAE, US, and many more need not to have a VISA for visits up to 90 days in a 6 month period. Netherlands is a part of Schengen Countries and members can avail the travel benefits. Citizens of Australia, Canada, and New Zealand can apply for Working Holiday VISA provided they are aged between 18 and 30.

Russia – Citizens of Argentina, Belarus, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Fiji, Hong Kong, Israel, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, and few more, will not need a VISA to visit Russia, while others will need a VISA and invitation. You will need to pay both for VISA and Invitation, and also get registered when you arrive. Regulations are very tedious, and VISA processing for Russia takes time. You might also have to produce medical insurance, bank statements, and letter from employer. If you intend to stay longer than 30 days, you will have to arrange for contact that will help you arrange Business or Special VISA. Transit VISA that are valid for 3 days are much easier to obtain. Cruise passengers get the benefit of entering and staying up to 72 hours.

Spain – Citizens of EU nations, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan, UAE, US, Vatican City and many more, need not to have VISA for visits up to 90 days in 6 month period. Spain is also a part of Schengen Countries and members can avail the travel benefits.

Switzerland – Citizens of EU Nations, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Canada, Chile, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, Monaco, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan, UAE, US, Vatican City and many more, need not to have VISA for visits up to 90 days in a 6 month period. It is also a part of Schengen Countries and members can avail the travel benefits.

United Kingdom – Citizens of Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Czech, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritius, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, USA, and many more need not to have VISA to enter Britain for visits up to 6 months. Citizens of Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, Monaco, New Zealand, South Korea and Taiwan, are eligible for Working Holiday VISA provided that fall in age bracket of 17 to 30 years.

Kuwait – You don’t need a VISA if you area apart of GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council states), and the fellow countries are Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE and Oman. Citizens of Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bhutan, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, UK, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, USA and few others can obtain VISA at port of entry for US$35. Citizens of other nationalities need to obtain VISA from Embassies, Consulates, Sponsor from Kuwait or Internal Affairs Ministry.

Qatar – Citizens of Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, USA and few others can obtain Tourist and Business VISA on arrival for a mere fee of US$30. Citizens of GCC Countries and Turkey don’t require any VISA to visit.

Saudi Arabia –You don’t need to have a VISA if you are a citizen of GCC Countries, for all others VISA is a must. VISA for group tours is also available. Transit VISA can be easily obtained in case you are passing by Saudi Arabia permitting you a stay of no longer than 72 Hours, but you will have to produce proof of possession of a Vehicle or an Airline Ticket. Though if you are travelling to Israel, VISA might not be issued..

Turkey –Citizens of Argentina, Brazil, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Qatar, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, and many others don’t require a VISA for visits up to 90 days within 180 day period. Citizens of Azerbaijan, Belarus, Costa Rica, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Macau, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan don’t require a VISA for visits up to 30 days in 180 days period. Citizens of Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Belgium, Canada, Fiji, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Ireland, Kuwait, Maldives, Mauritius, Mexico, Netherlands, Oman, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Spain, UAE, UK and US, can also easily obtain e-VISA which is a way easy process and takes 3 minutes of your time.

UAE –Citizens of GCC countries do not require any VISA to visit. Citizens of EU countries, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore,  South Korea, US, Vatican, and few others will be granted free of charge VISA on arrival. This VISA permits for stays up to 60 days with option of renewing for 30 days for fee of US$140. Germans are enabled to apply for multiple entry VISA without any Sponsor for stays up to 3 months in a year. US citizens are also enable to apply for 1 to 10 years multiple entry VISA with a Sponsor for stays up to 6 months per visit for free of cost. Israeli passport holders are banned for entry and transit VISA.

Canada – Citizens of United States or residents of St. Pierre and Miquelon with a valid French passport, need not to have a VISA for visits. Citizens of Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and few others need to have ETA for visits, which can be obtained at a fee of CAD$7. Citizens of Australia, Belgium, Chile, Ireland, New Zealand and South Korea aged 18 to 30 can avail the Working Holiday VISA scheme.

Mexico –Citizens of Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, USA, and many others need not have a VISA for visits. For Citizens of Canada, Japan, Schengen Countries, UK, and US there is a VISA free entry for visits up to 180 days.

United States –Citizens of Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,UK and many others are eligible for VISA waiver program which is valid for stays up to 90 days. If you have visited or are a national of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, or Yemen, you are not eligible for VISA waiver program. Folks without American Passport can expect to be fingerprinted and photographed. For everything else there are American Embassies all around the World and VISA starts from US$160. US also has Student Work and Travel Pilot program for citizens of Australia and New Zealand.

Argentina –Citizens of Australia, Austria, Barbados, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Macao, Malaysia, Mexico, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Russian, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, UK, USA and many others get visits up to 90 days on arrival. Citizens of Canada and Australia need to pay Reciprocity Fee of US$100 for visits. All others need to arrange for VISA well in advance before their visits. There is also a working holiday visa agreement with New Zealand.

Brazil – Citizens of Argentina, Austria, Bahamas, Belgium, Brazil, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Iceland, Italy, Macau, Malaysia, Mexico, Monaco, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, UK, and many others need not to have VISA for visits. VISA policies of Brazil are governed by Reciprocal Rule, if a country charges Brazilians for VISA, Brazil will do the same.

Almost Free World for all!


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