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Top things to do in Rome

Top things to do in Rome

Being one of the finest and oldest cities of World, a history of 2500 years, the city of Rome is one of the classiest destinations you’ll ever travel. Ruled by Emperors and Caesars, this city has got array of palaces, churches, and monuments to see. Visiting Rome is witnessing one of the most glorious pasts that ever existed. World class museums, Byzantine mosaics and Renaissance frescoes will stun you with the Roman artistic potential. It has been home to giants like Michelangelo, Raphael and Bernini. The street side quaint cafes and small night clubs add all together new dimension to the experiences you’ll have in Rome. Plus need we mention the finest gastronomic experience this city has to offer, right from exclusive Gelatos to hand tossed pizzas. So here are top things to do in Rome.

Colosseum – It is most iconic spots of Rome built in 80 AD with a capacity of holding 50,000 people that hosted bloody gladiator and animal games. Must see are the new museum on second floor and a guided tour to underground till the pits of Gladiators. It also has a bookshop for gift picking.

St Peter’s Square – It is Vatican’s central square built at front of St. Peter’s Basilica with a purpose that maximum no of people can see pope. It is surrounded by two colonnades (symbolizing motherly arms of the square) with 280 columns and 145 saint statues with an Egyptian obelisk in centre.

St Peter’s Basilica – It is most celebrated religious building of world and mother of Grandeur. Do not miss chance to see the pope on Wednesday or Sunday Noon. Must see are grand dome designed by Michelangelo, underground tomb of past popes, Bernini’s Baldachin and views from top of dome.

Pantheon –One of the best preserved Roman buildings, it was formerly a Roman temple but now a church, and was built in 120 AD. It still has the largest unreinforced concrete dome, with oculus (an opening in dome) giving unique lighting. It also has tombs of Raphael (Artist)and first king of Italy.

Trevi Fountain – It is apparently most popular fountain in world, adorned with statue of god of sea, Oceanus with his trusty Tritons. Throwing 1 2 3 coins in it ensures your return to Rome, falling in love with a Roman, and marrying the same Roman. Its views in night are dazzling with lights lit all around.

Roman Forum – It is the most important Roman ruin in Italy. It was once the political, social, and business centre of ancient Rome. It houses ruins of Arch of Severus, Temple of Saturn, Arch of Titus, and House of Vestal Virgins. It also has the burial ground of Julius Caesar. We suggest a Guided tour.

Castle Saint Angelo – Built as Mausoleum of Hadrian, it has later served as fortress, prison and as private apartments for Popes. It also had secret passage to Vatican for times of invasion. It has elegant interiors, especially Sala Paolina with frescoes of Alexander. Views from top are amazing.

Palatine Hill – It is centre most hill and most ancient site of Rome. It was here, Romulus and Remus were found that laid foundation to Rome. It was the original elite neighbourhood of Rome. It has ruins of House of Augustus (first caesar), Flavian Palace, Temple of Cybele and Stadium of Domitian.

Trastevere – This is the place you will get to see how Romans live now. With narrow n flowery cobble stoned streets, and lots of avenue for dining and nightlife this will be your window to Roman lifestyle. It also has two important churches Santa Maria and Santa Cecilia, if you wish to explore.

Sistine Chapel – It is part of Vatican museum complex, most decorated and most renowned chapel across world. It is here where new pope is selected. Some of popular arts in here are Last Judgement fresco by Michelangelo, Sacrifice of Noah, Creation of Adam, &Separation of Light from Darkness.

Piazza Navona – Considered as the most beautiful piazza of Rome, it is home to three fountains Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi, Fontana del Nettuno, and Fontana del Moro. This pedestrian area is occupied with tourists, lots of cafes n restaurants, and street performers that lighten up the scene.

Spanish Steps – It gets its name from the embassy of Spain situated nearby. At bottom of these 135 steps are Piazza di Spagna, boutique shops, and cafes. At top of steps areTrinitadei Monti church, and Fontana dellaBarcaccia. This is best place for people watching, or exploring fashion boutiques.

Galleria Borghese – Built by Cardinal Borghese (from one of most influential Roman family), it houses works of Raphael, Caravaggio, Rubens, Bernini and Titan. It has famous ones like Venus Victrix, Rape of Proserpina, David and Goliath. Also worth exploring is vast park surrounding it.

Altar of the Fatherland – Also known by name of Vittoriano, or ‘Typewriter’, ‘Wedding Cake’ by locals, this giant marble structure stands out in Piazza Venezia. It is built in memory of first Italian king, Vittorio Emanuele II, along with Tomb of Unknown Soldiers of WW 1. It also hosts art exhibits.

Basilica di San Clemente – It is an interesting nesting doll of churches. It has a 2nd century pagan temple, underneath a 4th century church which is underneath a 12th century church. Temple is worth watching and was site of slaughter of bulls, and has Underground River and oldest Roman frescoes.

I don’t know where I’m going, but I’m on my way!


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