Home Mixed Bag How to pick up a flight attendant

How to pick up a flight attendant

How to pick up a flight attendant

Long flights can get boring, but thanks to flight attendants that keep alive our attention. Yes getting infatuated by a flight attendant is very normal. But the point is if you want to take it ahead, than just being attracted. This is where most of the people get dreaded. They do not know how to approach a flight attendant, how to seduce them, how to make them fall for you.

We have made it easy, by listing some ways that could help you to pick up a flight attendant. Next time when you are flying and if you find a flight attendant attractive enough, do not hesitate to try our hacks.

Before you board that flight you got to know that today you are going on a hunt. Like every hunt you got to be equipped. Yes dress nicely, and dot get swayed away with comfort wear. You will have the rest of your life to wear pajamas and lay on your couch. Dress smartly as you need to make the first impression.

Greetings are important. The moment you step into your plane there will be flight attendants standing there to greet you. Most of the fliers will not even notice and nor will they greet back. But you got to look in their eyes and greet them back nicely. A simple hello or good morning would also do.

Once you are seated, find a way to interact with them. Asking a glass of water can also be a good starter. Once they are by your side, ask them questions if they have ever visited the city you all are flying to. Tell them that they would love if someone would show them around.

Do not let your ego come in between. You might be seated in first class or might be headed to some important business meeting, but then the flight attendant you are hitting on also has a life and people in their life who treat them as someone important.

Help someone like by exchanging seats, or it would be even better if you help the flight attendant directly like placing the bags in the overhead compartment. By helping someone you become one of the nice guy. It catches attention of the people and flight attendants are no exception.

Follow the instructions that flight attendants give. Remember they too have a job to do and by making their life simpler you will only bring ease to them. Isn’t this how you should treat a person whom you are going to pick up. When they make any announcement look at them with a smile, they will notice.

Flights do not last forever, so you also got to be quick. Flirt a little, but not too much to a point of annoying someone. Make eye contact with them, and every time you get to talk with them be polite and use words like Thanks and please. It goes a long way.

Whenever the food and beverage trolley is coming in, make sure you have your tray table out. It shows how accommodating you are. It also saves the time of flight attendant and makes their life easy. All these small gestures help in building the nice image of yours in their head.

It is not always advisable that you call the flight attendant every time you want to talk to them. You also got to make a move. You can approach them in the flight attendant area, for a quick chat. They will appreciate it and who knows where it could get headed.

You got to know that flight attendants can loose their job if they accept a date with you while you were travelling in their flight. Never ever approach them directly. But what you can do is slip a business card, or a small note with your number, or meet them in the airport lobby when flight lands.

Some flight attendants pick up lines

Excuse me, I think you just dropped something, my jaw.

I am a little lost here, can you give me directions to your heart.

Do you believe in the first flight or do I need to book another flight for you.

Love is in the air!


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