Home Tips Tips for making restaurant reservations

Tips for making restaurant reservations

Tips for making restaurant reservations

We all like to dine out in restaurants, with our loved ones, with our friends, and with our family. Believe it or not but everyone living on this planet has a favorite restaurant that they would like to hit on weekends, or any day which is supposed to be special. But what we would hate the most would be arriving at our favorite restaurant and finding that there is no table available, which would make us wait for hours to let in. Yes you can avoid that by making restaurant reservations.

Especially when you are travelling to some fascinating place and have heard about a restaurant to be compelled to dine at it, you should definitely make a reservation for not to be disappointed. In this blog we have listed some best tips that would help you make reservations and be prepared.

Contact first to get an idea of reservation policies

Before even making the reservation, call the restaurant before hand to check what their reservation policy is. How long before you will have to book the slots. What is the maximum number of people you can get there? How many tables you can reserve? Things like that you will only get to know once you will contact the restaurant.

This is the vital step and if you think if you will directly call the restaurant a week or so before to make the reservation, it will be a shot in the dark. You might also get disappointed.

Make use of technology at restaurants that are online

All the big and popular restaurants today in the world have an online presence. Yes they all have a website that showcases their menu. They all have a website that showcases their opening hours. Most of the busy restaurants also have facility on their website through which reservations could be made.

If the restaurant you are trying to hit to is online, then make use of it. Check the dates, and if they are available then book the slot. This is probably the easiest way to make restaurant reservations.

Do not get habituated with cancelling reservations

Plans change all the times. We intend to something but another thing comes up. It happens will all the people, especially who have their schedule totally booked up. In such a case if you got to cancel the reservation at your restaurant then do it in advance. At least 2 to 3 days prior to the date and time.

The reason behind is that restaurants keep track of reservations all the time and the people who are cancelling it. If you are found out to be cancelling reservations frequently then they might revoke you from making reservations in the future, especially when you cancel at last moment which could hurt the business of restaurant.

Verification of reservations is also important

After making the reservation do not think that the entire war is done. Yes it might happen at times because of technical issues or by the bad memory of the reception that your reservation doesn’t gets registered into their systems properly. To avoid such thing from happening, you can call a couple of days later of making your reservation to check if it is registered properly.

This happens a lot while making online reservations. Faulty websites are a common thing. But if you receive a SMS of some kind of receipt upon making reservation then it is good that you can least produce it when you reach at your schedule. But to avoid embarrassments, please check.

Being on time is always good

You have successfully made your reservation and the big day has come. Do not take it lightly, be on time. In fact it is better to arrive at the restaurant least 5 minutes prior. This will ensure you to settle in the atmosphere of the restaurant before you start your meal.

In case if you are running late, then it is advisable to inform the restaurant that you are going to be late. Yes this is the best practice. It will also ensure that the restaurant doesn’t gives your table to someone else after waiting to not see you arrive.

Dining Mobile Applications are a go

We have already talked about the reservations that could be made through the website of the restaurant. Yes it is the best way to do it. But remember there are so many food and dining applications these days that you can choose any where your restaurant is listed.

The best part about it, that it is highly possible that if you make reservation through such application you might also get some discount. Who would not like to be treated with some discount or some voucher that too while dining at their favorite restaurant.

While making reservations, flexibility is the key

Nowadays there is lot of rush when it comes to eating at a popular restaurant. People are willing to spend money to get some refreshing experience and to pamper their taste buds. If you are making a reservation and you do not get it as per your schedule, keep few other slots open too.

After calling weeks prior and still not able to get a table can be disappointing, but do not let that ruin your plan. Try few hours before, or few hours later, if it is some special day. Try a day before or a day later if you are just heading to taste the food of that joint. Know that there is always an option.

Be extra cautious on special days

If it is a valentine day, then remember you are not only in love. There will be hordes of people flocking to popular restaurants for a date dinner, or a date lunch. Same goes with bank holidays, and public holidays. It is the time when people get the luxury of dining out.

If your plans are on such days, then do proper research on the restaurant. Make sure you are the first one to book a slot when bookings open. Even then if you miss the chance of making reservation, then keep a second option in mind. Do not let that ruin the day because of some rush.

Be polite and know the tipping policy

Restaurant staff members are also humans, so treat them like that. IT might happen that they will have to break the news that reservation cannot be done due to full occupancy. It doesn’t gives you the right to be rude at them. Take it normally. Even after making reservations, when you arrive the place on time, be courteous and polite to waiters. World needs more kindness.

Last but not the least, know about the tipping policy of the restaurant beforehand. You can also even ask the waiters about that. After having a good and pleasant day, you would sure also like to add some happiness to the face your host or hostess.

Reservations check, good food check, happiness check!


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